You deserve to receive the expert guidance and support you need, from a doctor who cares deeply about your health. Unique and transformative intimate group experiences designed just for you.
You deserve to receive the expert guidance and support you need, from a doctor who cares deeply about your health. Unique and transformative intimate group experiences designed just for you.
Body Wisdom
4 Steps in 4 Months For A Lifetime Of Health
An in-depth 4-month hormone and gut health promotion program for motivated women (like you!) who are ready to look, feel, and BE their best, for life.
A powerful group-based program!
You’ll acquire the crucial skills needed to personalize your nutrition, integrate strategic lifestyle shifts, and take targeted supplements that will support your 4 Pillars of Whole-Body Health including:
When you have these pillars in place, you’ll be able to THRIVE in all aspects of your life — finances, family, friends, and fun! (While feeling and looking your best!)
Dr. Patricia’s ‘Body Wisdom’ Program took me to the next level of my journey — in understanding the health of my (whole) body, and how to become responsible for achieving my own goals.
I lost weight, reduced inflammation that was contributing to knee joint issues, and learned SO much about how certain foods can impact my blood sugar! Body Wisdom is a must!!
Susan S., 68 yoa
The Wild Collective
Achieve your ‘Wildest’ Health With a Personalized Action Plan & Expert Guidance
Led by a Wholistic MD who cares deeply about your health.
An intimate group education (and action!) for motivated women (like you!) who want the roadmap to unleashing their most vibrant & wildly healthy self!
Because life is easier in so many ways when your body feels balanced, and your mind is calm & focused.
If you’re looking for a way to successfully balance your hormones, heal your gut and digestion, AND experience the true JOY of wildly abundant whole-body health, THIS is the roadmap that will get you there.
Imagine if you could:
Successfully balance your hormones, heal your gut and digestion
Improve your sleep, energy and mood
Naturally detoxify your body to feel lighter, brighter and more vibrant
Get back to your ideal weight
Experience the confidence of beautifully clear skin
AND finally experience the true JOY of wildly abundant whole body health
Plus, I’ll be supporting you live the entire way!
I’ve attempted to find doctors to provide this kind of support — Naturopaths or Functional Med docs, but either they did not gain my confidence, or were not affordable, expecting thousands of $’s upfront just for a first interview.
I finally found what I was looking for in this program.
It makes it so much easier to make the effort (in behavioural changes) when you understand WHY you’re doing it, and then sit back and watch the results roll in… Thanks Dr. Patricia!
Ursula, 64 yoa
Empowered Tween
A mom-and-daughter group health program for girls ages 8-12
Empowered Tween is a younger version of its mother, The Wild Collective. It is a supportive community of like minded mothers and daughters, offering health education that will help your tween learn about their bodies and how it works, and teach mom the language to support them as they grow up. Learning about the feminine power from a health perspective will increase awareness and allow them to tap into and be closely connected to their inner voice and intuition.
Empowered Tween is a 6-module health curriculum with lectures, handouts, intentional goal setting and a supportive community of moms who want each other to succeed.
Meaningful connections
with like-minded mothers
Feel empowered
and self-advocate with health professionals
Lifetime access
to the information and the community
a foundational tween girl health curriculum