You want to look, feel and BE your best, for life.

I am a Medical Doctor with a different spin on the 4 pillars of women’s health. 
Work with me for root-cause solutions to your health concerns.

Grab your free Ebook

Rebalancing Your Hormones 
NaturallyStrategies you can start 
implementing now for immediate results

You’re ready to take action on solutions that will get you results for a lifetime of health and happiness.

Your biggest obstacle is that you don’t know what step to take next, and you’re not sure who to trust.

You have come to the right place.

You have found a Wholistic MD to provide you with the knowledge, strategies, and 
guidance needed to get you unstuck and moving toward your health goals in quantum leaps.

Hi, I’m
Dr. Patricia Mills.

Specialist in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Functional 
Medicine Practitioner, Published researcher, Health educator.

This is why I care about your health.

I was practicing as a Specialist in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and an internationally recognized researcher when I developed health problems affecting how I looked and felt. Skin rashes, bloating, constipation and diarrhea, brain fog, insomnia, low energy, infertility, 
menstrual mayhem, weight gain and other signs of (what I eventually realized were due to) hormone imbalance and poor gut health became my new reality.

I didn’t feel or look my best, and it was hard to fully enjoy life. This is, unfortunately, a reality for many women – and depending on one’s life stage, can also show up as problems with menopause, such as early onset menopause, excessive hot flashes and night sweats, and more.

The typical Western Medicine solutions didn’t help me get better by restoring my health.

And like you, what I really wanted was to fix the root causes of my health concerns. So I used my research skills to go beyond what I was taught in my medical training and came across the science of root-cause medicine.

The root causes of most of our health 
concerns are our modern nutrition, toxins, lifestyle, and daily stress that erode our 
Four Pillars of Wholistic Health:

  • Stress Response
  • Hormone Balance
  • Gut Health
  • ​Toxins Tolerance

Therefore we need to use root-cause solutions including personalized nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle strategies to support our body’s natural ability to heal, cope with stress, maintain hormone balance and gut health, and effectively detoxify.

It was when I started using this Wholistic Health approach that I began to see the results I truly desired, with myself and with my clients.

Partner with me so you can do the same, with a doctor who cares about your health.

With me, the end goal is not a medical diagnosis and medications. It’s about getting your body so darn healthy that your health concerns simply melt away – and you’re left feeling, looking, and BEING your best, for life.

Here are the steps you need to take for your best health:

Assess your current 
whole-body health using 
this free questionnaire.

Choose how you want 
to learn and work with me.
(see below)

Enjoy the results as 
you start to look and feel your best!

With these resources, I provide root-cause solutions for many women’s health concerns, including:

  • Acne, skin rashes, weight gain, hair loss, and hormone imbalances
  • PMS, irregular, heavy, and painful periods, infertility, PCOS, and menopausal mayhem
  • Bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and acid reflux
  • ​Irritability, anxiety, low mood, insomnia, fatigue, and brain fog
  • ​Stress, burnout, frequent infections, allergies, adrenal and thyroid dysfunction

NOTE: My approach to your best health is strategic swaps and moderation, NOT deprivation!

“You empowered me to take responsibility for my health, to support my body optimally with the food, mineralized water, and supplements I take, and to be a confident and active participant when discussing my health with doctors.”

Margaret M.

Corporate Entrepreneur
The Wild Collective graduate

“As a postmenopausal woman, I have been benefiting from Dr. Patricia’s knowledge and guidance for over a year now, and the lessons I’ve learned will be with me and my family forever. I have experienced significant shifts in my health and many symptoms have totally disappeared or reversed. I am confident that if I continue with this lifestyle, my body will continue to heal itself and I will reach my goal of living in full health to the end without the need for pharmaceuticals.”

Ursula H.

The Wild Collective graduate,
Body Wisdom graduate.

Grab your free Ebook

Rebalancing Your Hormones Naturally

Strategies you can start implementing 
now for immediate results

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